A Hebraic Inkling: C. S. Lewis on Judaism and the Jews

By P.H. Brazier

A fresh analysis of the influence of Judaism and Jewish culture on C.S. Lewis’s life and work.

ISBN: 9780718896560


C.S. Lewis’s enlightened, foundational respect for the Jews as God’s chosen people is a feature in much of his apologetic and theological writing. Although as a boy and young man Lewis reflected much of the implicit anti-Semitism inherent in the public-school-educated Edwardian establishment, this was replaced by deep respect when he became a Christian. Later on, Lewis’s understanding was much enhanced by his wife, Joy Davidman (m. 1956); born to American Jewish parents, she was an adult convert to Yeshua Ha Mashiach – Jesus Christ – and Lewis referred to her as a Jewish Christian.

A Hebraic Inkling: C. S. Lewis on Judaism and the Jews examines in depth this Jewish-Hebrew influence in Lewis’ life and works. Analysing some of his key writings in theology, philosophy, literature and apologetics, his rigorous stand against anti-Semitism and affinity for Jewish literature and culture is outlined, as well as his vision of how Christians are enfolded into the chosen people. This respect and affinity extended to Lewis’ own family; when one of Joy’s children sought to return to his mother’s birth-faith, Lewis moved all to accommodate his wishes and raise him as a Jew, after Joy’s untimely death.

Additional information

Dimensions 229 × 153 mm
Pages 306

Trade Information LGENPOD

About the Author

An independent theologian and scholar living in London, Paul H. Brazier holds degrees in Fine Art, Education, and Systematic Theology. Paul has published widely in theology and philosophy including an in-depth systematic analysis of C. S. Lewis’s theology; he has also published on Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky, Karl Barth, and Colin E. Gunton.


A Hebraic Inkling


PART I: Revelation
1. The Young C. S. Lewis
2. The Hebrews, the Jews, … and God: I
3. The Hebrews, the Jews, … and God: II
4. God’s Chosen: Holiness, Theology and Spirituality, … Pride

PART II: Scripture
5. The Hebrew Scriptures: Historicity and Humanity
6. The Psalms I: Hebrew Theological Poetry
7. The Psalms II: Judgements and Cursings — Imprecatory Poems
8. The Psalms III: A Hebraic Doctrine of Creation
9. The Psalms IV: Hebraic Pregurement and Meaning
10. The Psalms V: Yeshua, Mashiach: Second Meanings in the Psalms

PART III: Family
11. Sarai-Sarah: Identity … in the LORD
12. The Incarnation Nation: the People and the Savior
13. Joy Davidman and the Mature C. S. Lewis: Race, Semitism … and Family


Index of Names
Index of Subjects
Sectional Contents


Endorsements and Reviews

I am and have been a Jewish believer in the gospel for close to fifty years. … Lewis played a formative role in that faith decision. Like many others before me, I was much taken by the patient and friendly tone of Lewis’s apologetic writing as he adduced the arguments to make his case. … C.S. Lewis’s God was integrally connected with both the history and the destiny of the Jewish people, and so was he.
Alan Shore, Missionary, State of Washington

A Hebraic Inkling is the first book-length study focusing upon Lewis’s understanding of Jewish attitudes toward Scripture. In addition to offering a comprehensive view of Lewis’s theological understanding of God’s selection of the Hebrews as his chosen people, Brazier deftly demonstrates the personal influence Joy Davidman had upon Lewis’s mature understanding of Jewish culture, ideas, and traditions. Well-researched, erudite, and articulate, A Hebraic Inkling is a welcomed addition to Lewis scholarship.
Don King, Professor of English, Montreat College