
By Jey J. Kanagaraj

An accessible commentary on the Gospel of John, emphasising the Gospel’s vision of a new humanity bound to God by the new covenant made in Jesus.

ISBN: 9780718892845


In this commentary Kanagaraj examines how John projects the church as God’s “new covenant community”, which is characterised by two virtues: love and obedience. Impossible to exhibit under the old covenant based on Moses’ law, these qualities became possible by the initiative grace and faithfulness of God revealed in Jesus and demonstrated by the power of the Spirit.

God’s new community is an inclusive and progressive community because its witness to Jesus in a world that hates and persecutes it has the power to bring in all people so that they may become one flock under one shepherd. Kanagaraj argues that the idea of founding and nurturing a new community was in God’s heart even before the time of creation and not just at the time of incarnation.

Additional information

Dimensions 229 × 153 mm
Pages 292


Trade Information LGENPOD

About the Author

Jey J. Kanagaraj is Professor of New Testament who served a number of years at the Union Biblical Seminary, Pune, India, and who was the Principal of Bethel Bible Institute near Salem, India. He is the author of “Mysticism” in the Gospel of John: An Inquiry into its Background (1998), and of another commentary on John’s Gospel written to the Indian context (2005). In addition, he has edited two books and published numerous articles.


Outline of John

John 1: The Origin of Jesus and of the New Community
     Excursus: The Understanding of the Logos in the First Century
     Fusing the Horizons
John 2: The Beginning of Jesus’ Public Ministry
     Excursus: “Sign” in John
John 3: Testimonies of Jesus and the Baptist
John 4: The Inclusive Nature of Jesus’ Community
     Fusing the Horizons
John 5: Self-Defense of Jesus before His Accusers
John 6: Two Signs and a Discourse
John 7: Is Jesus the Christ?: Conflict with “the Jews”
John 8: Intensification of Jesus’ Conflict with “the Jews”
John 9: The Holistic Healing of a Man Born Blind
John 10: The Impact of Jesus on His Community and on Others
     Fusing the Horizons
John 11: Lazarus’ Resurrection and Its Implications
John 12: The Final Journey of Jesus to Jerusalem
     Fusing the Horizons
John 13: Jesus’ Last Supper with His Disciples
John 14: Jesus’ Pastoral Speech I
John 15: Jesus’ Pastoral Speech II
John 16: Jesus’ Pastoral Speech III
John 17: Pastoral Prayer of Jesus
     Fusing the Horizons
John 18: Arrest and Trials Faced by Jesus
John 19: The Supreme Revelation of God’s Glory
     Fusing the Horizons
John 20: Visions of the Risen Jesus
John 21: Epilogue

Author Index
Subject Index
Scripture Index
Ancient Sources Index


Endorsements and Reviews

It is a precious gift when a key biblical scholar puts together a commentary that reflects the best current research and a concern to relate the text to today. Jey Kanagaraj’s commentary does just that, providing the reader with reliable historical information and perspectives that fuse the horizons of then and now. A sound guide for the careful and the caring.
William Loader, Emeritus Professor, Murdoch University

This is not yet another commentary on the Gospel of John; rather it comes from an experienced teacher-scholar who has spent many years in studying its contexts and text and in seeking to make this Gospel understandable to informed students as well as to any interested lay reader. … Every interested person will find this book beneficial and edifying. Therefore, I recommend it warmly.
Daniel Jeyaraj, Liverpool Hope University, in Theological Book Review, Vol 25, No 2

The book is aimed at ministers and students. To those audiences, this volume is highly recommended. It will be especially helpful to pastors and teachers ministering in context where it is very difficult to have access to traditional Johanine commentaries. They will find here clear explications of the text, insightful hermeneutical suggestions, and even illustrations for sermons.
Carlos R. Sosa, in The Expository Times, Vol 127, No 6