The Rediscovery of the Old Testament

By H.H. Rowley

An elegant and accessible introduction to the Old Testament, covering all aspects of the text.

ISBN: 9780718892289
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Increasingly men are turning their thoughts to the deeper message of the Old Testament, and finding richer meaning in the light of all work that has been done. The Old Testament need not to be buried beneath the weight of scholarship, but may rather stand on the foundation of scholarship, sustained by it and firmly upheld before men.
From the Preface

Harold Henry Rowley discusses the various aspects of the Old Testament in a book whose purpose is, in the author’s own words, to “help the readers to a fuller apprehension of the Holy Book”. Rowley’s analysis, the result of many years of thorough and detailed study, introduces the reader to the Old Testament in its historical, archaeological, religious and metaphysical contexts, and emphasises its relevance to understanding the New Testament.

Combining academic rigour with a clear and readable style, The Rediscovery of the Old Testament is an invaluable text not just for scholars and students, but also for general readers interested in advancing their understanding of the Bible.

Additional information

Dimensions 216 × 140 mm
Pages 224


Trade Information LPOD

About the Author

Harold Henry Rowley was educated at Wyggeston School (Leicester), Bristol Baptist College and Bristol University. He worked as a Baptist missionary, teaching Old Testament in Shantung Christian College (China) and became Professor of Semitic Languages and Literatures at Manchester University.



I. The Abiding Value of the Old Testament
II. Archeology and the Old Testament
III. Archeology and the Old Testament (continued)
IV. The Meaning of History
V. The Growth of Monotheism
VI. The Significance of Prophecy
VII. The Rise of Judaism
VIII. The Revelation of God and Its Corollaries
IX. The Nature, Need, and Destiny of Man
X. The Meaning of Worship
XI. The Goal of History
XII. The Fulfillment of the Old Testament in the New


Endorsements and Reviews

An admirable, useful and timely piece of apologetic. It may be confidently recommended
London Quarterly Review

His book is a spiritual tonic … We unreservedly recommend it
Baptist Times

Dr. Rowley is a match for anyone working in Great Britain today. His book abounds in original and sometimes daring suggestions which make it a valuable contribution to history, and which, incidentally, make more widely accepted theories look rather silly
Church Times

We recommended it unhesitatingly as the best book of the kind that we know
Methodist Recorder

A very good book.
Religion in Education

A book to read and re-read.

It is one of the special merits of the book that while it is the result of prolongued and specialized study, it is completely within the grasp of the intelligent layman.
The Guardian

His book is as wise as it is stimulating.
British Weekly