
By Gordon D. Fee

A revealing and accessible commentary on the Book of Revelation, guiding the reader through one of the most often misunderstood books of the New Testament.

ISBN: 9780718892807


Revelation is a book that many Christians find confusing due to the foreign nature of its apocalyptic imagery. It is a book that has prompted endless discussions about the ‘end times’ with theological divisions forming around epicentres such as the rapture. In this book, the award-winning author Gordon Fee excavates the layers of symbolic imagery and provide an exposition of Revelation that is clear, easy to follow, convincing, and engaging.

Fee shows us how John’s message confronts the world with the Revelation of Jesus Christ so that Christians might see themselves as caught up in the drama of God’s triumph over sin, evil, and death. Fee draws us into the world of John and invites us to see the world through John’s eyes as the morbid realities of this world have the joyous realities of heaven cast over them. In this latest instalment in the New Covenant Commentary Series we see one of North America’s best evangelical exegetes at his very best.

Additional information

Dimensions 229 × 153 mm
Pages 354


Trade Information LGENPOD

About the Author

Gordon D. Fee is Professor Emeritus at Regent College in Vancouver, Canada. He received BA and MA degrees from Seattle Pacific University and was ordained in the Assemblies of God Church in 1959. He is the author of several volumes including God’s Empowering Presence, Pauline Christology, and New Testament Exegesis.



The Introduction (Revelation 1)
The Letters to the Seven Churches (Revelation 2-3)
     Fusing the Horizons: Christ and His Church(es)
John’s Vision of Heaven and Earth (Revelation 4-6)
     Fusing the Horizons: Getting One’s Priorities in Order
An Interlude in Two Parts (Revelation 7)
The Blowing of the Seven Trumpets (Revelation 8-11)
The Holy War Is Engaged (Revelation 12:1-14:13)
Prelude to the (Original) Tale of Two Cities (Revelation 14:14-20)
The Seven Bowls of God’s Wrath (Revelation 15-16)
The (Original) Tale of Two Cities, Part 1: The Demise of Rome (17:1-19:10)
The Last Battle and the End of Evil (Revelation 19:11-20:15)
The (Original) Tale of Two Cities, Part 2: God Makes All Things New (Revelation 21:1-22:5)
     Fusing the Horizons: The Original Tale of Two Cities
The Wrap-Up (or Epilogue) (Revelation 22:6-21)

Selected Bibliography


Endorsements and Reviews

Fee writes a commentary on Revelation – not a commentary on commentaries on Revelation – that provides an engaging, readable exposition of this text that lay persons will find immediately accessible. His personality shines through on every page, so that the reader does not merely encounter ‘material,’ but also the faithful teacher behind the material. Fee’s personal involvement in the translation of the NIV 2011 makes this volume particularly valuable as a commentary on this English version.
David A. DeSilva, Professor of New Testament and Greek, Ashland Theological Seminary

Fee writes lucidly and informally … and his explanations are unambiguous; thus the work is easy to read. I would recommend it to students and ministers as an introductory commentary to Revelation.
Julie Woods, in Reviews in Religion and Theology, Vol 21, No 1

I would recommend Fee as a wonderful companion to the task of reading the text.
Richard Briggs, in Biblical Studies Bulletin, June 2013

This is a book that will prove to be useful for those studying Revelation in depth for the first time.
Donald A. Bullen, Liverpool Hope University, in Theological Book Review, Vol 25, No 2

One may assume that readers, not of scholarly bent but eager to learn, would welcome these new insights by Fee … as a scholar with pastoral and pedagogical sensitivities his intention is to produce material that should be of great value to biblical educators endeavouring to convince literalists that Revelation should be read within historical context and not as a time-line of prophetic fulfilments.
Margaret Mollett, in Neotestamentica, Vol 49, No 1

[Fee’s] commentary represents a … conservative theological position and is interesting to read.
Martin Karrer, in Theologische Literaturzeitung, No 139, Heft 7/8

The interpretation of this commentary offers a sound foundation for further research.
Thomas Witulski, in Theologische Revue, Jahrgang 110, No 4