The Truest Fairy Tale: An Anthology of the Religious Writings of G.K. Chesterton

By G.K. Chesterton and Kevin Morris (editor)

An anthology of G.K. Chesterton’s religious writing, offering a sometime surprising synthesis of Chesterton’s view of the essence of Christianity.

ISBN: 9780718830618


The Truest Fairy Tale is the only major themed analytical anthology of Chesterton’s religious writing with real focus and usefulness. Although presented as an anthology, it is more than just a collection of quotations. Many of the selections included here are previously uncollected, and each passage has been carefully chosen with respect for its relevance and context, effectively creating a new text in which Chesterton’s religious views are made more accessible, while encouraging the reader to ponder their meaning more deeply.

Morris is a revisionist, who challenges the view that the later Chesterton was a conservative Roman Catholic. Rather, he was a liberal Christian, who encouraged the reader to think philosophically, as well as religiously. Morris emphasises Chesterton’s tolerant temperament, his universal appeal, and, above all, his significance to all Christians. As he points out: “The point of reading Chesterton today is to be ideologically and intellectually stimulated, challenged and perhaps inspired and enlightened, rather than to be informed about facts or instructed in doctrinal details.”

The Truest Fairy Tale provides the most comprehensive general statement on Chesterton as a Christian writer.

Additional information

Dimensions 234 × 156 mm
Pages 258

Trade Information LPOD

About the Author

Kevin Morris has a PhD in English Literature and History, and specialises in the overlap between Religion and English Literature. He is a retired teacher.


Foreword by Eamon Duffy

1. Basic Religion
2. General Approaches to Christianity
3. Anti-Religion
4. Non-Christian Religion
5. Christian Denominations
6. Christian Disposition
7. Christian Spirituality
8. Christian History and its Biblical Origin
9. Christian Life
10. Church and Society
11. Doctrines

Books by G.K. Chesterton


Endorsements and Reviews

… an essential reference work: a first port of call for discovering Chesterton’s thinking on almost any religious subject. This work is strongly recommended for any Chesterton lover, or anyone who has heard some of Chesterton’s aphorisms on religion and who would like to know what else he wrote on the subject.
Martin Ward

Dr Morris has produced a heroic collection of Chesterton’s wit and wisdom … As the excellent biographical introduction shows, Chesterton had wide ranging interests.
Evergreen / This England

Morris, although continually illustrating Chesterton’s verbal skills, does something more important. He shows in Chesterton’s own words, collected from all over his career, the solidity and depth of his belief, which forms such a fascinating and unexpected contrast to the rapier-like thrusts of his expression. This is a book for the GKC novice and for the old hand who would know better the man.
The Gospel & Our Culture Network